Oyster Harvest Area Closure Analysis 0.1
Prediction and analysis of NSW oyster harvest area closures.
No Matches
Oyster Harvest Area Closure Analysis

Oyster Farm Environmental Monitoring & Prediction Analysis


documentation-badge build-badge


Oyster harvest areas close due to rainfall, salinity, algal blooms and various other non-environmental factors. This works aims to predict closures relating to rainfall (i.e. freshwater input). This process is essentially attempting to quantify the amount of fresh water that has entered a river system (through precipitation) and then calculating a risk factor based on previous events. The same is done for temperature accumulation.



This setup assumes you are working with a clean Ubuntu image. Commands may vary based on your OS.

CMake (greater than v3.19.0)

Only required if this command fails:

cmake --version

Install only if above command fails:

apt-get install wget
cd /opt
wget https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/releases/download/v3.23.0/cmake-3.23.0.tar.gz
tar -xvzf cmake-3.23.0.tar.gz
rm cmake-3.23.0.tar.gz
cd cmake-3.23.0/
make -s
make install -s
ln -s /opt/cmake-3.23.0/bin/* /usr/bin


A JSON parsing and building library. See: cJSON

# In a directory of your choosing
git clone https://github.com/DaveGamble/cJSON
cd cJSON
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install


apt-get install curl
apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev


apt-get remove libpq5 # May not be nessessary
apt-get install libpq-dev

Environment Variables

This project uses several environmental variables. You need to provide these or the program will compile but cannot be run.

# In a directory of your choosing
git clone https://github.com/DPIclimate/ha-closure-analysis
cd ha-closure-analysis
touch .env
echo "UBI_TOKEN=<your_ubidots_token>" >> .env
echo "WW_TOKEN=<your_willy_weather_token>" >> .env
echo "IBM_TOKEN=<your_ibm_token>" >> .env

Then to build to backend:

cd ha-closure-analysis
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

And run:

./bin/program # Run

PostGreSQL Database

Add PSQL Environment

The username and password are defined by you.

cd ha-closure-analysis
echo "PSQL_DB=oyster_db" >> .env

Build and Deploy

This will build the PSQL container and populate it with tables as defined in db/init.d/init_db.sql

cd ha-closure-analysis
docker compose up

Load from Backup

Expose your backup

Put your backup in the db/data/ directory.

cd ha-closure-analysis/db/data # <-- Put <YOUR_BACKUP>.sql file here.

Enter the PSQL Container

If you have a database backup you want to load you can:

docker ps # Copy the container ID from this command
docker exec -it <container_id> bash

Add your Backup

You should now have a bash terminal within the databases continer. From within the container you can run:

cd /var/lib/postgres/data
psql -U <YOUR_USERNAME> -d oyster_db < <YOUR_BACKUP>.sql
## API
### Dependences
#### Go (Lang)
Install [Go](https://go.dev/) as per the instructurion provided on their website.
##### Build and Run
The Docker container must be running first.
cd ha-closure-analysis
cd api
go get .
go run .



NPM & Node.js

Only required if not installed.

curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_14.x | bash
apt-get install nodejs -y
npm --version # Validate install

Build and Run

Requires Go API to be running and database online.

cd ha-closure-analysis/frontend
npm install
npm start # Starts the server


This project is MIT licensed, as found in the LICENCE file.